Sabai Sabai

Sà-wàt-dii-kâ! (Hello!)

I used my dictionary to spell it phonetically this time 😉

So much to talk about! I have been having a lot of fun in Thailand. I was very nervous at first but I have met some amazing people in Peace Corps that have helped the process. Also, the people of Thailand are extremely kind. They all smile and love when we practice our Thai.. even though we mispronounce stuff most of the time. I’m loving every second of my interactions with them. Read on to see all I’ve done this past week and a half!

Warning: Lots of Photos to follow.


We ended up at a little Hot Pot Restaurant to share beers for one of my fellow PCV’s birthdays. The lady there that was helping us was very kind and tried really hard to communicate with us. Also her son was so cute! He loved pictures and hanging out with us. Such a little cutie.

Wednesday and Saturday we visited the Night Market! So many things to buy: clothes, food, shoes.. everything you could ever want!

CAMERACAMERAChicken Egg Roll on a stick? Yes, please. CAMERA
Pad Thai!!

Oh also.. I ATE A BUG!!!!!! I was super scared. But it wasn’t too bad.. it tasted like a very seedy cracker. Not sure if I will do it again.. But we will see. I do have two more years, after all.
CAMERAThere are a lot of these cute little food carts that pop up on the sidewalk and have the most delicious looking food. I finally ate at one today!

Saturday was spent learning how to ride our bikes! We first walked out to see these awesome blue buses waiting to transport us. We then went through the fields of Sing Buri to our final destination where we biked about 10km to a nearby Wat (temple). I didn’t get a photo but there was a giant golden buddha! It was truly amazing to see in person. Also, when driving through the country roads I saw a couple giant buddhas around. Also such a cool thing to see. CAMERACAMERACAMERACAMERACAMERA

Needless to say I have been having the time of my life. It’s such a change from being in America and I am loving it. In case you were wondering what the title means, Sabai, like many Thai words has multiple meanings. One of the more common sayings being “not a care in the world.” Which is how I have been living my life the past few days. Everything in Thailand is Sabai, Sabai 🙂

Until next time..
Peace, Love & Thai
– Ang


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